Project 1


Project 1 – Type Specimen Poster

PDF version of assignment – Art186_Spring14_TypeSpecimenPoster

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Pencil or Pen

Sketchbook, paper for mechanicals, roughs, comps

Adobe InDesign


Begin Sat Jan 25

Due/Critique Sat Feb 1


Your assignment is to design a poster that introduces your typeface to the world. You should already have started collecting information regarding the designer, when it was designed, where it was designed, and perhaps why it was designed. You will use that information to describe your typeface on the poster in an effort to promote it to the masses. Your poster will be full-color and 11”x17”. You will use Adobe InDesign to create your final lay-out, and perhaps Photoshop and/or Illustrator along the way. Print this out here in the lab on Xerox color printer or an outside source.

Your poster should show all twenty-six alphabetic characters in upper- and lower-case, plus numerals 0-9. It is up to you how they are shown, but they must be on the poster somewhere (remember: the idea is to showcase your font the best way possible).

Your poster should utilize hierarchy as a means of organizing information, and helping the viewer interpret the information on the poster. You can do this with scale, color, balance, and other compositional tools. Look over the class site and .pdf on using the elements and principles of design. Remember some rules of typography on this poster. Pay careful attention to your margins, line-height (or leading), tracking, kerning, and other details.

Finally, you poster should reflect the individuality of your typeface. Use pictures, illustrations, and other visual identifiers that are complementary to the visual characteristics, history, and “personality traits” of your typeface.


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